Competing at Your Peak

The pressure to compete and be at your best is tough for many athletes. Besides having to deal with the competition, athletes have to overcome many mental barriers if they want to compete at their best. There is dealing with distractions, managing anxiety, being aware of their thoughts both negative and positive, learning from mistakes, letting others down, winning. When athlete's can condition themselves to control and quiet their minds and control these situations, they will be able to perform at the top of their game. Do you have what it takes to compete at your peak?

Mental Game Coaching Program Will Help Athletes With:


    The simple belief that you can take on anything that comes your way. Did you know you can manipulate your confidence?


    Learn to move from expectations to process goals to reach peak performance


    Perform instinctively and trust your abilities


    Intense worry you experience when you imagine all the horrible things that could happen if you failed to achieve a goal.


    Positive routine strategies that create the kind of mindset needed right before a competition.


    Find yourself distracted by cues not relevant to your performance? Learn to choose your focus to be where you need to be to perform your best.

What Obstacles Are Standing In The Way Of Your Full Athletic Potential?

  • *** Do you doubt yourself and your abilities? 
  • *** Do you focus on your mistakes? 
  • *** Do you perform better in practice than in competitions? 
  • *** Do you get too nervous before a competition? 
  • *** Do you compete inconsistently? 
  • *** Do you fall short of your goals? 
  • *** Do you feel you expect "to win" all the time?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then learning mental training skills can help you overcome these mental barriers to reach your full athletic potential.

Stop Sabotaging your Athletic Performance

Are your ready to reach your full potential?

Meet Your Mental Coach

Mental Sports Performance Coach

Brian McSparron

Is the owner and operator of Superior Sports Psyche. Brian’s love of sports developed at a young age, having competed competitively in ice hockey and baseball. Hockey was his main focus, however, injuries cut his playing days short. In college, Brian received a Bachelors in Athletic Training and then proceeded to receive a Masters and Specialist Degrees in Physical Education and has been teaching for 20 years. When Brian “hung up” his hockey skates, his focus turned to coaching. He started coaching youth hockey, cross-country and lacrosse as well as high school soccer. The big jump came when he coached The Georgia Tech Hockey team for 16 years and helped lead the program to national prominence by competing in national championship tournaments as well as winning several college hockey tournaments. Brian is a USA Hockey Level 4 Coach and is a Certified Mental Performance Coach. As a coach, Brian’s focus was making sure that his teams and athletes were mentally prepared to compete each and every night. There were many times when Brian’s teams were less skilled than their opponent, however, they were able to pull out victories because they were more mentally prepared. When Brian watched youth or high school athletes, he began to notice how athletes were not mentally strong to compete. He began to notice how athletes got down on themselves when they made a mistake, by getting angry or frustrated, athletes who looked great in practices were average in competitions, and hearing a lot of negative talk (“I Can’t” or “I Stink”) coming from the athletes mouth. Many athletes have the physical skills to compete, however, mentally they struggle, which holds them back from having true athletic success. Brian wanted to take his knowledge and coaching skills to help athletes develop the proper mindset so they can become the “best” athlete that they strive to become. That’s how Superior Sports Psyche was developed. To help athletes overcome their biggest opponent…Their Minds!!! Through Brian’s individualized mental coaching program, athletes will learn mental tools to assist them in gaining that positive mental mindset to put them above their competition. Being a physical educator, Brian loves to be active and competing in many different activities/sports including adventure races, 5k and 10K road races and triathlons. His new found sport is playing tennis and has developed his musical talent by playing the bagpipes. Brian is also an ACE Certified Youth Fitness Coach and a NASM Sports Performance Enhancement Specialist.